For close to two decades I've been writing about Latin American politics. Having traveled to Venezuela on numerous occasions, I've witnessed its people live through the presidencies of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro. In the last few years though I've seen the devastating impact of harsh U.S. economic sanctions that are affecting everyday Venezuelans.
‘Venezuela: The Cost of Challenging an Empire’ (2024) is a documentary journalist Nicholas Ford and I are making about the political process in Venezuela, the cost of the sanctions, and the people that it has affected most. Through a series of interviews with academics, journalists, members of the government and opposition, this film also looks at political violence in the country and how Venezuelans who identify themselves as part of the Bolivarian revolution have continued to resist.
This film has been funded by Nicholas and I and the support we have obtained from the public through a campaign. Through a series of independent screenings, this film will be released in September 2024. For more information about this film you can forward your emails to:
“A comprehensive account of the US-led and US-financed political violence in Venezuela perpetrated through its proxies in the local opposition. Also, a tale of resistance. An excellent documentary. A must watch. Five stars.” - Dr Francisco Dominguez, Middlesex University (retired)
"A positive contribution. This documentary provides access to views on Venezuelan politics that are basically absent from mainstream media. Of particular value are the voices of some of the Venezuelans interviewed. Four stars." - Dr Luis Angosto-Ferrandez, author of 'Venezuela Reframed' (2015).
"Profoundly moving. A well researched documentary that shows the real costs of the greed and blockade imposed on Venezuela by the US Government. It also reminds us that the Chavista legacy lives on. It made me fall in love with Venezuela's Bolivarian project all over again. Four stars." - Pilar Aguilera, Chairperson of 3CR Community Radio
“Acuña and Ford’s documentary tells the story of a people who dared to challenge an empire, and the price they were made to pay. Weaving together stories of hardship and hope, it offers compelling insight into how Venezuela got to where it is today. Five stars.” - Federico Fuentes, journalist, Green Left
“The word ‘sanctions’ is an abstraction that cannot explain the monstrosity of preventable deaths and manufactured hunger. Acuña and Ford talk to the Venezuelans who have been struggling under these sanctions and gives voice to the extraordinary people who have made the Bolivarian Revolution and in the process, paid the cost of challenging the empire. Five stars.” - Justin Podur, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University and co-author (with Joe Emersberger) of ‘Extraordinary Threat: The US Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela’ (2021).